Gin Lake September 2017
My first time Kayak Camping.

My friends and I went camping up on Gin Lake, we wanted to see if we'd be able to load the kayaks with what we needed to camp for three nights and as it turns out we could! We had a great time though the last couple days were a little cool. My one friend lost his kayak and had to go search for it... hopefully he takes my advice and learns some proper knots. Worst of all though, would be me. Yep this guy right here! After finding out my friends kayak was missing I went to go down the hill to see if we could spot it. I ended up sliding, trying to catch myself and then into the water up to my waist. Got out, changed into some dry socks, shorts and tshirt then hung out in the hammock for the next 14 hours while my pants dried (It was evening time). The next morning my pants were dry but my shoes were still wet so I dried them by the fire. Once they were dry we decided it was time to pack up and leave so I wandered down to my kayak to get the water out of it. Unfortunately I wasn't too careful getting in and it rolled on me sending my into the lake up to my neck. Luckily it was warm in the sun. We paddled back to the truck, unloaded our stuff and then went home. Not much happened this trip except for some much needed rest and relaxation which we three needed.
We listened to The Hobbit and first one and a half Lord of the Rings audiobooks (They're way better than the movies), Sat around the fire and chilled (Sometimes quite literally..) The last day was really windy and we were worried about it at first with all the gear we had but it seems mother nature loves us because as soon as we were ready to leave the wind stopped and the sun came out in full! Man was it nice (Especially for me since I was soaked from the neck down)